About Quarto

Quarto is a Markdown-based documentation system that lets you write documents in Markdown or Jupyter Notebooks, and render them to a variety of formats including HTML, PDF, PowerPoint, and more. You can also use Quarto to write books, create dashboards, and embed web applications with Observable and Shinylive.

Getting started with Quarto

Once you’ve created the space, click on the Files tab in the top right to take a look at the files which make up this Space. There are a couple of important files which you should pay attention to:

  • Dockerfile: This contains the system setup to build and serve the Quarto site on Hugging Face. You probably won’t need to change this file that often unless you need to add additional system dependencies or modify the Quarto version.
  • requirements.txt: This is where you should include any Python dependencies which you need for your website. These are installed when the Dockerfile builds.
  • The src directory contains the source files for the Quarto website. You can include Jupyter notebooks or markdown (.qmd or .md) files.
  • src/_quarto.yml defines the navigation for your website. If you want to add new pages or reorganize the existing ones, you’ll need to change this file.

Code Execution

One of the main virtues of Quarto is that it lets you combine code and text in a single document. By default, if you include a code chunk in your document, Quarto will execute that code and include the output in the rendered document. This is great for reproducibility and for creating documents that are always up-to-date. For example you can include code which generates a plot like this:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Sample data
tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")
# Create a seaborn plot
g = sns.lmplot(x="total_bill", y="tip", data=tips, aspect=2)
g = g.set_axis_labels("Total bill (USD)", "Tip").set(xlim=(0, 60), ylim=(0, 12))

plt.title("Tip by Total Bill")

When the website is built the Python code will run and the output will be included in the document.

You can also include inline code to insert computed values into text. For example we can include the maximum tip value in the tips data frame like this: {python} tips['tip'].max(). You can control code execution, or freeze code output to capture the output of long running computations.

About the Open Source AI Cookbook

To provide a realistic example of how Quarto can help you organize long-form documentation, we’ve implemented the Hugging Face Open-Source AI Cookbook in Quarto. The Open-Source AI Cookbook is a collection of notebooks illustrating practical aspects of building AI applications and solving various machine learning tasks using open-source tools and models. You can read more about it, or contribute your own Notebook on the Github Repo